The First Generation
Date Owner Player Action
09.10.2022 19:37 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_rusu Joined the clan
08.10.2022 23:39 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_Daniel.N Got rank 5
08.10.2022 23:39 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul MajesTiKftww Got rank 5
08.10.2022 21:34 AdmBot MadalliNN Joined the clan
08.10.2022 21:06 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul [TFG]Winks. Got rank 5
07.10.2022 23:03 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul rpg2_Daniel.N Joined the clan
06.10.2022 17:43 [TFG]Maxximusss PreaChiIITwain Was kicked out (3 warns)
06.10.2022 02:28 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi [TFG]CatGeo Got rank 5
05.10.2022 23:51 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi [TFG]CatGeo Joined the clan
05.10.2022 23:20 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi PreaChiIITwain Received ClanWarn
05.10.2022 23:19 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_Serafim. Left the clan
05.10.2022 23:19 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_Serafim. Received a CW clear
05.10.2022 23:19 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_Serafim. Received ClanWarn
05.10.2022 23:17 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi Pinocchio Was kicked out (3 warns)
05.10.2022 23:16 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2__Dorin_ Received ClanWarn